Shipping Your Inclusions

Thank you for your order!

I am so honored to have the opportunity to capture these precious memories for you in your own unique keepsake piece.

Please read the following carefully as it is very important for ensuring that your precious inclusions arrive to us safely and intact.  If you have a minimal amount of your inclusion left, please contact us prior to shipping your inclusions to discuss the amount I can work with in order to avoid shipping all you have left. 

Please note:  Remaining inclusions (with the exception of cremation ashes) will not be retuned.  Please be sure to not send all you have left of your inclusion(s).  While in my experience it's very uncommon for anything unfortunate to happen to elements while in transit, accidents can still happen and I would be heart broken for you if the last of your elements were to be lost or damaged/lost in the mail.

Please Ship All Inclusions Via Canada Post To: 

The Milky Fern
6245 Kevins Road
Sechelt, BC
V7Z 0V2
Phone Number for International Customers:


 *Please be sure to write your order number on the outside of your parcel.  A poly bubble mailer is sufficient for shipping your order and generally costs less to ship than bulky boxes.  I strongly recommend buying shipment tracking if it does not already come with your shipment.*

**ALL USA & International Customers - Please do not add a declared value to your parcel when shipping your elements.  This can potentially get flagged at Customs and may result in Duty Fees.  The Milky Fern is not responsible for any Duty Fees that incur as a result of elements having a value added.  You will be invoiced by The Milky Fern for any duty fees that occur.  The only elements I recommend adding a declared value on are elements such as diamonds that have monetary value.  If you have any concerns about this, please reach out prior to shipping your elements.  

**USA Customers - Please ship your parcel using USPS.  FedEx, UPS etc will not ship to a PO Box and your inclusions will end up being returned to you.**
     **International Customers - Please ship your parcel using your local postal service.  Once your parcel is shipped you MUST email me your tracking number with the name of the carrier so that I can keep an eye out for your parcel as I may have to pick it up in the city because it might not go directly to my local post office**

Breast Milk

- I only require 2 tablespoons of breast milk per design (unless otherwise discussed)  Please do not send your entire stash.
- Please make sure your breast milk is completely thawed before packing it up.  It is very important that there is no condensation in the bag that could cause your package to deteriorate. 
- Please triple bag your breast milk in milk storage bags, sealing each bag with a good quality tape.
- USA Customers - please leave a note in the bag indicating "Not for human consumption - intended for use in jewelry"

Placenta Powder

- I require 2 capsules of placenta powder or 1-2 teaspoons per design.  (unless otherwise discussed)  Please do not send all you have left.
- At this time I only work with ground placenta that has been properly processed and encapsulated.

Umbilical Stump/Cord

- I only require one half of your babies umbilical stump per design.  Please do not send your babies entire umbilical stump.

Cremation Ashes

- I require 1tsp of your loved ones cremation ashes per design.  Less may be required depending on the design.
- Any remaining cremation ashes will be returned to you with your jewelry.
- For ashes especially, please do not ship all you have.
- If you have any questions or concerns about shipping your loved ones ashes, please do not hesitate to contact us.


- A 1 inch lock of hair is the most ideal, however I will do what I can to work with whatever amount you are able to send.
- Gently tie hair with a piece of string before bagging it (a ziplock type bag is fine for packing your hair)
- If you are sending multiple locks of hair, please tie them separately.
-  Remaining hair will not be returned (unless specifically requested - please leave a note in your parcel indicating you wish to have any remaining hair returned)

All Other Inclusions

- All other inclusions such as dried flowers, petals, fabric, sand etc can simply be bagged, taped to seal and labeled (a ziplock style bag is fine for packing your inclusions)


I've Shipped My Inclusions, Now What?

Once I have received your inclusions you will receive an email letting you know they arrived and that we have started working on your order.
When your order is complete, you will receive one final email letting you know your jewelry is on the way and a tracking number to track your parcel.  

**The Milky Fern cannot be held liable for missing or damaged inclusions**

Thank you for trusting me to create something beautiful and absolutely timeless for you!