Breast Milk Jewelry For Moms, Created By A Mom!
Hi there! My name's Amanda and I'm the founder, owner and jewelry maker at The Milky Fern.
Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to get to know us a little better. We'd love for you to join our community of badass moms by following us on Instagram and Facebook too!
The Story Behind The Milky Fern
How does someone decide to start a breast milk jewelry business? It's a fair question!
I first heard about breast milk jewelry shortly after having my daughter in 2017. Like many new moms, my breastfeeding journey got off to a rough start. I was so close to throwing in the towel when finally we managed to push through and overcome the hurdles we'd been struggling with.
Devastating at times and extremely empowering at others, this was an emotional time in our lives that I knew I wanted to celebrate. That's when I discovered breast milk jewelry, and the idea just clicked! The perfect sentimental memoir to honour this journey.
However, as a new mom, there was no way I could justify the cost of having one of these beautiful pieces of jewelry made.
I've always been crafty, so I decided to try doing it myself. I figured it couldn't be that hard to figure out. So I dove in, completely unaware of the rabbit hole I was throwing myself into!
I tried multiple DIY kits (despite disheartening reviews), and the results never panned out. And trust me - you do not want a piece of breast milk jewelry that isn't properly preserved. Yuck.
So then I decided to really take matters into my own hands. After two years of trial and error and many failed attempts, I was finally able to perfect my breast milk preservation process.
In the end, I surely ended up spending more money (and definitely time!) perfecting this technique than I would have if I'd just bought that one piece of jewelry for myself in the first place. But I had this new knowledge and hobby that I absolutely love, and, suddenly, other moms were reaching out to me to create their breast milk jewelry too.
And so, The Milky Fern was born! My goal is to create high-quality, handmade breast milk jewelry that is both stylish and affordable, because all moms deserve something special to honour this time in their lives!

Meet The Artist
First and foremost, I am blessed to be a mom to three beautiful little ones.
We're a pretty typical family I like to think. I like to describe us as a hot mess most days - we run on chaos, caffine and more chaos around here. But its really not that bad - and really lets be honest - one day we will miss it!
On top of chasing little ones around and running a growing & busy business, we are also a homeschooling family and recently made the decision to sell our farm in Alberta and majorly downscale our lives to become a full time RV family. It's allowed us simplify our lives, focus less on material items and cleaning and spend more time together as a family doing what we love. Spending time outdoors as much as possible!
My husband and I are both from British Columbia, Canada. After being away from home for a number of years while living in Alberta where The Milky Fern got it's start, we are very happy to have recently relocated back home to The Sunshine Coast in British Columbia.